We strongly condemn the so-called joint statement on Hong Kong by Australia and a few others and flatly reject the unwarranted allegations therein. Hong Kong SAR affairs are purely China's internal affairs and brook no foreign interference. Whereas Australia itself has enacted a number of laws on national security, it has no qualification at all to question China's national security legislation for Hong Kong .
The legislation is to prohibit a very small number of people from splitting the country, subverting state power, organizing and carrying out terrorist activities, and foreign and external forces from interfering in the affairs of the HKSAR. It is designed to ensure steady implementation of "One Country, Two Systems" in the HKSAR, with a view to maintaining its long-term stability and prosperity. The decision to enact such legislation has won strong support from the entire Chinese people including Hong Kong compatriots.
Any attempt to interfere China's internal affairs is doomed to fail.