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2021-12-09 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

天韵阁精品推荐——第三套人民币 - 1

藏品概述|A summary of the collection


The silver trade of French Indochina is commonly known as "Yang Yang", one of the foreign silver coins circulated in China at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. The silver coin is sitting on the front of the statue of liberty, with French trade silver dollar and French Indochina. According to the silver dollar diagram published by the people's Bank of China in 1952, its official name should be Annan silver dollar, also known as "sitting man" and "Fa Guang", because the wreath on the head of the statue of liberty on the front of this silver coin has seven beams of light, commonly known as "seven horns". However, for the convenience of narration, the expression "sitting in the ocean" is still used below. French Indochina trading Silver Circle, commonly known as "Yang Yang", is one of the foreign silver dollar that flows to China at the end of Qing Dynasty.

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历史背景|historical background

第三套人民币是中国人民银行于1962年4月15日开始发行的。与第二套人民币比价相等,并在市场上与之混合流通。这套人民币取消了第二套人民币中的3元纸币,新增加了1角、2角、5角和1元四种金属币。纸币中"中国人民银行"六字是由马文蔚先生所书写。票面上两方印章分别为"行长之章"和"副行长章"。纸币背面印有用汉语拼音、蒙古文、维吾尔文、藏文、壮文书写的"中国人民银行"字样。第三套人民币1962年4月20日发行枣红色1角纸币起,到2000年7月1日停止流通,前后历时38年,是文化瑰宝。第三套人民币自1962年发行至2000年退出使用,是现有人民币中流通时间最长,也是我国首次完全独立设计、印制的一套纸币。该套纸币退出流通20年了,市场沉淀充分,其中的"1角背绿券"已升值16万倍,显现出"钞王"的王者之风。第三套人民币已具备了"退出流通"、"市场沉淀"、"钞王领涨"3 大快速升值的必备条件。第三套人民币市价并不高,为后市预留了极大的启动空间。

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The French Indochina is located in the eastern part of Indochina Peninsula, including Tokyo, Annan, * * *, Laos and Kampuchea. The total area is 741242 square kilometers. The ancestors of Indochina residents were the people who moved south from China's the Yellow River Valley in the second Century ad. In 1858, the Second Empire of France invaded Annan (Vietnam). In 1884, they forced Annan to sign the second "Treaty of hue" and Annan became a French colony. In 1858, the Second Empire of France invaded Annan (now Vietnam). In 1884, Annan was forced to sign the second Treaty of hue. Annan became a French colony. In order to develop the colonial trade economy, the Second Empire of France began to mint foreign coins in 1885 for 43 years until 1928. The issuance time in China was from 1903 to 1933. After China abolished the two yuan system in 1933, the ship foreign legal currency gradually unified the market, the French ship foreign legal currency gradually disappeared, and the sitting foreign currency also disappeared. After entering China, "sitting foreign currency" began to circulate in Guangdong and Guangxi. It was deeply loved by businessmen and people because of its exquisite production and high silver content. Seeing that the "sitting foreign currency" silver dollar was profitable in China, the French government forged and imported a large number. Soon, "sitting foreign currency" silver yuan was used in most parts of China. At that time, among the foreign currencies in circulation in China, the silver dollar of "sitting foreign currency" accounted for a considerable proportion, which caused a steady flow of Chinese silver into France and seriously damaged the economic and trade interests. As a historical carrier, the "sitting foreign currency" silver dollar recorded the humiliating history of Chinese people's political oppression and economic exploitation after the Opium War. Sitting foreign currency, together with "Yingyang", "Longyang" and "Zhanyang", has become the four foreign currencies flowing into southern Fujian after the Opium War.

外形特征Shape characteristics


The silver trade of French Indochina is commonly known as "Yang Yang", one of the foreign silver coins circulated in China at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. Sit Yang, according to the "silver dollar diagram theory" published within the people's Bank of China in 1952, its official name should be Annan silver dollar. The silver dollar has a seated statue of the Greek goddess of liberty on the front, which is also the reason for the name of "sitting on the ocean". The predecessor of the ocean was the French government in the * * * * (Southern Vietnamese regime) began casting 10 Immortals (Cent, also translated as "sub", the same below), 20 cents, 50 cents, 1 PI (piastre, transliteration P Astor, legal unit yuan) of the 1879 Cochin China Silver coin. By 1885, in order to resist Mexican silver coins and American trade silver coins, the French Annan government began to mint one dollar silver coins in 1885. This coin is a foreign coin from 1901. The main figure on the obverse of the silver coin shows the seated statue of liberty with a baton in hand, and the French text on both sides of the seated statue is Republique Francaise (French Republic). The small French word Barre and the year of issue 1901 are below the constellation goddess. The main pattern on the back of the silver coin is a wreath, and the word "A" in the middle of the wreath is in the middle of the double torch. It can be regarded as a layout. The circle is the explanatory script. The French wreath is cast above: the FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE (French Indochina). The transverse character in the middle of the silver garland is the denomination of the silver coin: PIASTRE DE COMMERCE (Astor's trade silver). Below the silver wreath is titre 0.900 Poids 27 gr. Moreover, the coin has excellent preservation, excellent appearance, exquisite patterns and very precise production. It is very exquisite in terms of text and decoration, clear texture, distinct convex and concave, and strong relief. It has high collection value.

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收藏价值|Collection value


In recent years, the market of sitting foreign coins has taken the lead. Compared with rare art, sitting foreign coins seem to be favored by collectors. In addition, as more and more ancient coins are sold in various places, the position of ancient coins in the collection market first becomes more important and more precious. As we all know, ancient coins are the main historical component of a country. In terms of the specific years in which they occurred, they not only represent the vicissitudes of various historical times of coin culture, but also reflect the prosperity and decline of history, politics and economy. Ancient coins not only have high artistic appreciation value and cultural relics textual research value, but also are mostly made of precious metals or silver, which itself has special noble value. Sitting foreign coins are silver coins in trade circulation in China, which adds different colors to history and has high collection value and art investment value.

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天韵阁精品推荐——第三套人民币 - 8


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