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招聘 HR and Admin Assistant 懂廣東話優先

更新时间 2024-09-19 浏览量 114次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Sugarian Group Pty Ltd
工作性质 全职,兼职,合同工
经验要求 需要
学历要求 不限
签证要求 澳洲国籍,永居签证
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 团队友善
联系人 Eva Chan
联系我时请说明是在 今日布里斯班看到的,谢谢!


[HR and Admin Assistant]

1. Assist in the recruitment process including setting up interviews and corresponding with prospective employees in a timely manner.

2. Provide support in shop operations including preparing drinks for customers and stocktaking.

3. Maintain vendor’s record and act as the point of contact for all vendors.

4. Collaborate with business partners in business development process.

5. Assist in stock and warehouse management.


-With at least 1 year of Admin. working experience

-Detail minded, reliable & willing to learn

-A good team player & able to work independently

-Good command in Cantonese, English & Mandarin

-Proficient in MS Office& internet
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