Sam Crosby的声明:回应国家党参议员Barry O’Sullivan的歧视言论
就国家党参议员巴里.奥苏利文(Barry O’Sullivan)在参议院听证会的言论,联邦里德(Reid)选区工党候选人萨姆.克罗斯比(Sam Crosby)发出声明,回应如下:
「中国佬」一词是带有种族歧视的,是永不应该在澳大利亚使用。而且,这个词对于中国人和有中国血统的澳大利亚人来说,更是冒犯的。任何关心和尊重华裔社区的人都会知道,不要使用这个词。我促请国家党参议员巴里.奥苏利文(Barry O'Sullivan) 引咎辞职。他的言论反映他的无知和对华人的不尊重,他不配代表2019年的澳大利亚担任参议员一职。
Barry O’Sullivan
Sam Crosby, Labor candidate for Reid:
The term 'Chinaman' is racist and should never be used in Australia. It is offensive to Chinese people, and Australians with Chinese origins. Anyone who cares about showing respect to Chinese people would know not to use this term. I call on Barry O'Sullivan to resign. The ignorance and disrespect he has shown to Chinese people is not befitting of a Senator representing Australia in 2019.