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2016-12-24 来源: 每日邮报 评论1条


川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 1

(纽约22日综合外电报导)美国总统当选人川普女儿伊凡卡(Ivanka Trump)今天与孩子搭廉航捷蓝航空(JetBlue)班机遭1名男乘客呛声,她的临场反应获得前排乘客赞扬,显示她在压力下也能沉著冷静。

「每日邮报」网站报导,纽约市布鲁克林律师高德斯坦(Dan Goldstein)在机上对伊凡卡说「妳父亲会毁了这个国家」,後来开始大喊「她为什么会搭我们的班机?她应该有私人飞机」。高德斯坦与他的同性伴侣拉斯诺(Matthew Lasner)後来被赶下机。



对于整个经过有第3方说法,根据拉斯诺的推特照片,谢夫(Marc Scheff)当时坐在伊凡卡的前排座位,与年幼的儿子似乎在忙自己的事。

Unusually non art post but this is too surrealMy son and I made the news today. That's us in the photo. I am sitting in the next row up from Ivanka and surrounded by her extended family, lots of Kushners. A man got ejected and the news is making it sound like the guy was hulking Out. The whole incident happened literally 15 inches from me. The article is sensationalizing this a little. Here is what happened.He didn't accost her directly.When he got on and saw her, sitting behind me, he said "oh my god. This is a nightmare" and was visibly shaking. He said "they ruin the country now they ruin our flight!" (Context: Boarding and therefore the flight was delayed because they needed to get on first through some other way) He did not yell. He was also not what I would describe as calm. Agitated maybe. His husband behind him was very calm. His son is adorable and sharply dressed.When the JetBlue staff went back to speak to the man I overheard Ivanka say to them "I don't want to make this a thing." My assessment is that she was happy to let the man take his seat. Security made a different callAnd for good reason. The man's calm husband had tweeted earlier that his husband was "chasing them down to harass them." I did not witness his actual removal some rows back. If he screamed, I didn't hear it.My politics aside... Honestly, if I was her security I would have made the same call. I don't _think_ the man was capable of violence, sure. But I would worry that he would leave his seat or cause a scene in some way. And his husband had tweeted that he planned on doing that. So, again you know my politics, but I would have made the same call here.

Marc Scheff(@marcscheff)张贴的相片 于 2016 年 12月 月 22 10:56上午 PST 张贴







川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 2


川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 3


川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 4
川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 5
川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 6
上图: 丹·戈德斯坦

川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 7


川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 8
川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 9川普女儿搭机遭呛续:伊凡卡临场反应获赞(图) - 10


关键词: 川普伊凡卡机场
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
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