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How much room in your study with your family-tutor?

2021-09-04 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

We own a mount of time in our early years and we have no time to research how much the study room it is in our daily life. Of course we have grown up rapaidly when there are enough grown-box.Maybe you need to consider where the next one come from if you patincely and quietly focus on it in a long time. Maybe you can succeed avoiding from the little box,or hunt for a huger place where is not same as work today."I have the success and achievements today which stems from the earlier considerable selections ",they says.

And we appreciate and own it the road you create, build and grow on it. Somebody obsolutely will keep pace with you when you bring us more dimension of time to develop our happy life.People acknowledge that it won't an easy work.They desperately and roughly resiste it because of these failures,and continue to do the job they believe in or lovely as it is.

How much room in your study with your family-tutor? - 1

Birds fly in higher place.

We should spend some time on finding oursleves which is diffrence from others precisely,and obtain huge power to create more bank on your caculated---paper when it is fulled with ink .And I will share some idears with you to help own and achieve your dream.Let us to see three determinants as follows.


▏24 ...14 ▏

▏24 ...-14 ▏


▏24i-14j .........14j ▏

▏24i ……...24i+14j ▏


▏24i-14j ……...14j ▏

▏24 ……...24i-14j ▏


(1)Three number and four bank.24 ways to solve the problem.

(2)Three number, eghit slections and four changes. 5376 ways to change the configurations.

(3)I know there are more ways,and I find that it looks like putting the eggs on the wood,either.Anyway,I prefer to the way like this:

▏24i-14j ...24i+14j ▏

▏ -7 ………...…........7 ▏

Reasons?Who knows?

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