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2024-07-05 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

泰山队 sail for Shanghai with their dual foreign talents, Kreesan and Vitor. The health of Ze Ca is a source of concern among fans.

The most burning topic in the Taishan fans' group and forums is: Are there still any healthy players? With only Kreesan and Vitor on board—except for those who are recovering from injuries, like the newly hurt Jadas—what else remain?

It seems that, besides Vitor, the other foreign talents have all been injured, and no one knows how long Vitor can sustain it.

The worry over Jadas' injury against Guoan has not subsided as fans, attentive to Tibetan, start to worry. Is the team going to go into the battle against Shanghai with double foreign talents?

With half of the league schedule passed, many teams have realized the significance of foreign talents, imitating the tactics of both Harbin and Shanghai by using five foreign talents on the field. Tai Shan, however, cannot even guarantee three foreign talents. This is Fans and the team's honor.

Therefore, fans are puzzled: How can our players, unlike those of Harbin and Shanghai, be so fragile?

Post the defeat against Guoan, negative news poured in as expected.

As Tai Shan fans should be accustomed: since the tourism sector took over, such situations have become commonplace, and the usual套路 includes funding shortages, player non-renewals, and崔康熙 struggling to control the locker room.

But some fans still believe and seek information worldwide.

Good news comes when Ze Ca is mentioned amidst the bad news. Tai Shan needs foreign talents, and here Ze Ca comes in. Isn't that good news?

Ze Ca, under the guidance of his attending physician and team, has been able to participate in ball training, with moderate confrontations also being held. According to this progress, he should be able to play in August.

Referencing Wang Tong, playing in August isn't impossible. Ze Ca went to Australia for advanced medical treatment, as opposed to domestic treatment for Wang Tong.

This is considered good news? And with the addition of Nu Ka, the team will likely have four foreign talents now?

However, fans are still worried about Ze Ca. They discuss the team's injuries in the group, where I shared an old story about Coach Cui training大牌 such as Carrasco in Dalian. Some fans mentioned:

"Not to mention the big names, even Gil, who was always present under Coach Cui, could not guarantee his health."

Looking at the current Tai Shan team, the cause of fatigue is not just one aspect; the team has long been in a state of double foreign talents, still engaging in attacks and counters, which is also a reason for the increased injuries.

Adding to this are the disadvantages of recruitment and Coach Cui's dogmatic approach to personnel, such as his "rare treasure," which not only doesn't work but also requires his teammates to act as rescuers.

Therefore, this season's Tai Shan fans need to keep a calm mind. Adjustments should be made when the player contracts expire at the end of the year. What do you think?

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